Using WordPress for Nonprofit Websites

Websites no longer have to become static, stale and outdated, or having to rely on web designers/developers to update content.  With publishing platforms such as WordPress, many organizations could move to updating their own sites and creating their own content.

I realized I had to update my website, especially with all the web 2.0 hype.  My previous site was static HTML, no CSS, very plain-Jane, and very outdated.  As a small-business owner, I fit into the categories of limited budget and resources, like free and easy to use.

After searching customer and content management systems (CMS) via google, low and behold, WP showed up as a possible solution.  I say that because some may consider WP as only a blogging application, but soon, I found many articles related to other small businesses and nonprofit organizations whom were searching for the same solution.


After doing further research and finding how robust the WordPress forums were, I decided it was time to do some sandbox testing.  I’ve been hooked since.  I use WP in all my sites and I’ve been impressed with the development of the platform and the huge community of WP users.

I have to admit that WP is not for the beginner or faint of heart, however, after the initial setup, along with some training and documentation, many ORGs could use WP as a solution to getting rid of sites that cannot be changed without some sort of second-hand party, and billing.  (No offense to web designers/developers, but things are changing!)

Besides the great WP community that is available, the platform has recently gone through some major renovations as to admin interface changes, and the ability to include widgets.  In my opinion, widgets are the closest things to easy buttons when it comes to offering customized solutions.

In a future article, I will highlight some WP plugins which I feel would benefit many ORGs and NPOs within their website, such as the ability to include a google map; using a calendar for events; showcase event pictures; and receive donations.

Overall, I feel applications such as WP,  Drupal, and Joomla are paving the way for ORGs to embrace content that can be created by end users who do not have much experience, which is up-to-date and interactive.

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