Bakersfield Prime Air Delivery Map

How this Article Came About

When I originally was doing research for this article, it was before the world changed with covid-19 and shopping, delivery, or pretty much anything goods-related.

I got the idea for this Amazon Prime Air piece pretty quickly after the announcement Bakersfield would be getting an Amazon distribution or fulfillment center.

By this time, Amazon had already released a mockup of what a Prime Air delivery might look like in the ‘near future.’

Before covid-19, this piece was probably more of a light-hearted, goof around because of this wacky idea of making Prime Air deliveries by drone within 7.5 miles of a distribution center.

In my mind, Ronny Chieng’s Amazon Prime Now jokes will become real. Press the buy button, and two hours later, Put the item in my hand, as Chieng said. It was incredibly funny to me, especially being an Amazon Prime lover.

So one of my first thoughts when Amazon made the Bakersfield DC announcement was envisioning Prime Air drones deliveries doing just that–dropping the item on my front lawn within a few hours.

And of course Amazon would have it in stock, because also like Chieng envisions, Send it to me before I want it.

“Send it to me before I want it.” Ronny Chieng, 2020 Netflix Comedy Special

Amazon will have already figured out I’m either browsing, almost out of, or considering purchasing items, so it may even pre-stage that item at a local DC prior to purchase, and ready for ‘instant’ delivery.

Flash forward, now this virus has disrupted all of our lives and impacted our shopping habits to the point most of us have to get creative.

Meaning we get up early and queue up in line before a store opens, find online Walmart pickup appointments in the middle of the night, or whatever else necessary to have the products and goods we need for our families.

With all that said, no matter what product and goods delivery looks like in the future, this make-believe 7.5 mile boundary map I created is for entertainment purposes only.

Map for Entertainment Only

Please don’t be crazy and go out buying a home because you read Amazon fodder like this written by an Amazon fanboy.

What I would say is while Amazon is using the 7.5 mile boundary as a proposed distance, it wouldn’t surprise me that drone and UAV technology will only get better, and more than likely this boundary will expand.

I find it interesting that even at 7.5 miles, it ecompases a huge swath of Metro Bakersfield. I live in the Southwest part of town outside of this boundary. So for now our neighborhood might be out of luck.

You can download the KMZ/KML file here; feel free to remix and reuse. Drop it in Google Earth and have fun.

Download KMZ

But I do think once again, that Bakersfield could be a good Metro test city, just like my article on putting an Amazon Go store at Meadows Field Airport.

Heck, Amazon could build out a new drone restocking delivery testing using its new fulfillment center and a new BFL Amazon Go, which is few city blocks distance away from the Meadows Field.

Meh, don’t judge me, let me dream.

I have to admit though, just the video including what a mock Amazon drone delivery might look like in the future to me is pretty cool.

I’m not running out and buying a drone package landing pad anytime soon, but IMHO, it sure would be neat to see this as an option in the future, for a host of reasons, which sounds like more fodder for future writing.

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